Registration and abstract submission are open for the 4th International Meeting on Laminopathies
Dear Colleagues,
behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to inform you that
both the on line registrations and abstract submission are open for the
4th International Meeting on Laminopathies, taking place in in Madrid,
Spain from May 9 to 12, 2023.
Registration is simple and can be
completed in a few easy steps. Once you have registered to participate
in the conference, you can then submit your abstract via your online
account (private area).
You are invited to submit abstracts to be
included as part of the conference programme for either oral or poster
presentations. Please enter the conference website and click on the Abstract Submission tab.
Here you will find detailed instructions, key dates, guidelines and
conditions. General Topics are also available to be selected at the time
of submission.
We kindly remind you that the deadline for early bird registration and abstract submission is March 12th.
hope that the content of the conference will be of your interest. We
look forward to your participation and welcoming you to Madrid.
Best Regards,
Technical Secretariat
4th International Meeting on Laminopathies 2023 (Madrid, 9-12 May)
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to announce the 4th International Meeting on Laminopathies, taking place in Madrid, Spain on May 9-12, 2023. The meeting will be open to researchers, physicians and patients from around the world with the main goal of synergistically exchange knowledge and ideas to better understand laminopathies and help develop new therapies. As in previous editions celebrated in Marseille, Bologna, and London, the meeting will include sessions focused on molecular mechanisms, clinical aspects, disease-modeling, as well as therapeutic strategies.
Although we have a preliminary agenda with exciting speakers, we are expecting more contributions from research and clinical groups as well as patient associations. The meeting will be an extraordinary opportunity to share your work on laminopathies in front of the best possible audience.
Please visit the meeting's website ( or send us an email ([email protected]) for more information. You can also check for updates by following our Twitter account (
Registration and abstract submission will open in January 2023. We encourage you to save the date and consider contributing to the meeting.
Thank you for helping us spread the word about the 4th International Meeting on Laminopathies. We look forward to seeing you in Madrid.
Best regards,
Organizing committee
Ignacio Pérez de Castro
Gisèle Bonne
Vicente Andrés
Giovanna Lattanzi
David Araújo-Vilar
The UETeM was also present at the SGENM 2022
The UETeM presented several research lines at the SGENM 2022 last week in Ourense (Spain):
- Mecanismos moleculares de la acantosis nigricans en los síndromes de Rabson-Mendenhall y Berardinelli-Seip
- Papel del etanol en la lipomatosis en pacientes lipodistróficas con variantes en los genes LMNA y MFN2
- Avances del nuevo modelo murino de la Encefalopatía de Celia (PELD)
Silvia Cobelo-Gómez wins the prize for the best basic oral communication at the SGENM2022
Silvia Cobelo-Gómez, a talented predoctoral student of the UETeM group, won the prize for the best basic oral communication at the SGENM 2022 with her work: "Avances en el nuevo modelo murino para la Encefalopatía de Celia (PELD)". Congratulations!
Good vibes during the X Lipodystrophy Symposium
This year we once again had the privilege of having the most outstanding international experts in this heterogeneous group of disorders that encompass lipodystrophies, each one with its singularities, associated comorbidities, specific therapeutic approaches and impact on quality of life. It was successfully oranized by AELIP and sponsored by Amryt and Regeneron.
18-19 November 2022
CIMUS + Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of Santiago de Compostela
Book of Asbtracts (available soon)
Program (pdf)
Three new great Graduates in Medicine
Thank you for choosing the UETeM team.
We are so proud and happy to have walked along for a while with you :)))
2022 International AELIP Meeting SAVE THE DATE!
2022 International AELIP Meeting
November, 18-19th
School of Medicine and
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Organised by the UETeM and AELIP
Confirmed speakers:
Naca Perez de Tudela, Juan Carrión, AELIP, Spain
Prof. Robert Semple, University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr. Rachel Williams/Zhu Xuan Zhong, University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Camille Vatier, Université de la Sorbone, Paris, France
Prof. Ferruccio Santini/Dr. Giovanni Ceccarini, University of Pisa,
Prof. Ekaterina Sorkina, Endocrinology Research
Centre, Moscow, Russia
Prof. Marie-Christine Vantyghem, University of Lille,
Dr. Fernando Corvillo, Hospital La Paz, Madrid, Spain
Dr. Annachiara De Sandre-Giovannoli, Children’s Hôpital La Timone, Marseille,
Prof. Baris Akinci, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir,
Prof. Elif Oral, University of Michigan, USA
Prof. Josivan Lima, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Prof. Yael Lebenthal, Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical
Center, Israel
Prof. Stergios A. Polyzos, Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece
Prof. Saif Alyaarubi, Sultan Qaboos University,
Sultanate of Oman
Dr. Katrin Heldt, Stiftung Ostschweizer Kinderspital, St. Gallen,
Dr. Rebecca J. Brown, NIDDK, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, USA
Dr. Carla Musso, Hospital Universitario Fundación Favaloro, Buenos
Aires, Argentina
Prof. Giovanna Lattanzi, CNR Institute of Molecular Genetics, Bologne,
Dr. Antía Fernandez-Pombo, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Silvia Cobelo-Gómez, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela,
Dr. Sofía Sánchez-Iglesias, Universidade de Santiago de
Compostela, Spain
Prof. David Araújo-Vilar, Universidade de Santiago de
Compostela, Spain
2023 ECLip Annual Meeting SAVE THE DATE!!!
2023 ECLip Annual Meeting
September, 28-29th
Piazza S. Paolo a Ripa D'Arno, 16
Pisa, Italy
More details about accomodation HERE
Congratulations to Prof. Joaquín Lado-Abeal, chief of endocrinology
Unlocking the metabolic code of lipodystrophy
Prof. David Araújo-Vilar actively participated in the Global Summit event "Unlocking the metabolic code of lipodystrophy" organized by Amryt Pharmaceuticals on May 3 and 4, 2022 in Egham, Surrey (United Kingdom).
A new PhD in the UETeM research group !
Congratulations to Antía Fernández-Pombo for successfully defending her doctoral thesis!

From left to right:
- Prof. Miguel A Martínez Olmos, head of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Service of the University Clinical Hospital of Santiago de Compostela.
- Prof. David Araújo-Vilar,
Associate Professor of Medicine at USC Specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition Responsible of the Lipodystrophy Unit
- Dr. Antía Fernández-Pombo,
Specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition
- Dr. José Cocho de Juan, head of the Metabolopathies laboratory section of the University Clinical Hospital of Santiago de Compostela.
Natural course and comorbidities of lipodystrophy syndromes in Spain
Lipodystrophy syndromes constitute a heterogeneous group of rare diseases characterised by the selective loss of adipose tissue, which leads to impaired insulin signalling and other cellular functions, giving rise to metabolic complications that contribute to higher mortality rates in these patients. However, the exact natural history of these syndromes is not well documented, leading to long delays in diagnosis or misdiagnosis. This thesis constitutes the first real-life study with the objetive of evaluating the natural course and associated comorbidities througout the lives of patients with generalised and partial lipodystrophy (both acquired and congenital) in Spain in an effort to contribute to increasing knowledge of these rare syndromes.
David Araújo-Vilar receives the E-nnova Health 21 Award
David Araújo-Vilar receives the E-nnova Health 21 award for the project "Artificial intelligence diagnosis of rare lipodystrophies".
Lipodystrophy master class for Middle East countries
Prof. David Araújo-Vilar participated today in the Lipodystrophy master class for Middle East countries.
The event was organized by the Arab Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes.
Dr. Antía Fernández-Pombo wins the Award for Excellence in MIR training in Endocrinology and Nutrition
New UETeM publication: LipoDDx
Araújo-Vilar D, Fernández-Pombo A, Rodríguez-Carnero G, Martínez-Olmos MÁ, Cantón A, Villar-Taibo R, Hermida-Ameijeiras Á, Santamaría-Nieto A, Díaz-Ortega C, Martínez-Rey C, Antela A, Losada E, Muy-Pérez AE, González-Méndez B, Sánchez-Iglesias S.
Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2020; 15(1): 81.
doi: 10.1186/s13023-020-01364-1
LipoDDx: candidate for the "Redacción Médica" Awards in Galicia
The LipoDDx app has been chosen as a candidate for the "Redacción Médica" Awards in Galicia in the Technological Contribution category.